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Improve the Quality of People's Mobilization to Perform the Political Tasks of the Current Political System of Dong Nai Province

Published in Advances (Volume 5, Issue 1)
Received: 3 March 2024     Accepted: 14 March 2024     Published: 2 April 2024
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During the leadership process, with the view that the revolutionary cause is the cause of the masses, the Party has always determined that civil campaign work is a task of strategic significance for the entire revolutionary cause, an important condition to ensure the leadership of the Party and strengthen the close relationship between the Party and the people. One of the important lessons, contributing to great achievements throughout history is the lesson "Taking the people as the root", promoting the role of ownership, creativity and resources of the people in the cause of building and defending the country. This is the cross-cutting ideology that contributes to the revolutionary cause of the Party, overcoming all difficulties and achieving many victories. The civil campaign work of the political system of Dong Nai province in each revolutionary period has different contents and methods, but they all aim at the important goal of strengthening the close relationship between the Party and the People, firmly strengthening the people's trust in the Party; mobilize and attract a wide range of people, arouse the spirit of patriotism, promote the strength of the great national unity bloc for the national development process. In addition to the achieved results, the civil campaign work also has limitations and inadequacies: In some places, the awareness and responsibility for the civil campaign work of the political system is not very deep; not fully aware of the important role and great strength of the People, the great national unity bloc and the idea of "Taking the people as the root" in the view that "Revolution is the cause of the masses"; the institutionalization and concretization of a number of Party guidelines and resolutions related to civil campaign work have not been timely. The grasping, assessing and forecasting of the situation, especially the People's situation before events and situations arising in complex fields and areas, sometimes and in some places, have not met the requirements. Therefore, in this article, the author focuses on researching solutions towards improving the quality of mobilizing people to perform the political tasks of the current political system of Dong Nai province.

Published in Advances (Volume 5, Issue 1)
DOI 10.11648/j.advances.20240501.14
Page(s) 21-27
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Copyright © The Author(s), 2024. Published by Science Publishing Group


Civil Mobilization Work, Cadres, Civil Affairs, Party Grassroots Organization

1. Introduction
Civil campaign work is a task of strategic significance for the revolutionary cause of the country, an important condition to ensure the leading role of the Party, strengthen and strengthen the blood relationship between the Party, the State and the people. In all revolutionary periods, especially during the period when the Party was in power, CTDV in general and CTDV of the government in particular played a particularly important role in the victory of the revolution. In the article "Dan Yun" written in 1949, President Ho Chi Minh taught: "The force of the people is very large. Advocacy is important. Poor campaigning, everything is poor. Skillful campaigners, everything succeeds" . He also pointed out: "All government officials, all members of people's organizations (Lien Viet, Viet Minh, etc. must be in charge of the people's logistics" President Ho Chi Minh has put the top priority on the whole political system of our country .
However, in the process of integration, the downside of the market economy, especially in the context of the Covid-19 pandemic, has significantly impacted and given rise to many political, economic, cultural and social issues at all levels in the political system in Dong Nai province today such as: The work of gathering the masses of age into mass organizations has not met the resolution targets. As of June 30, 2020, the rate of mass gathering in organizations reached 69.57% (the resolution target is 85% or more) ; people's trust in the Party, or employment and unemployment benefits; corruption, waste and negativity still take place in some places, a part of cadres and civil servants are not fully aware of CTDV in the political system, or due to disregard and lack of real attention to CTDV; limited knowledge, capacity and experience of CTDV, bureaucratic, administrative, imposing, harassing people, causing a lot of frustration and leading to petitions and complaints, especially in the context of accelerating digital transformation and the province is implementing large projects such as: Long Thanh International Airport, 3rd and 4th ring road projects;... the more necessary the civil service of the province becomes .
The final study on the civil campaign work of the political system in Dong Nai province is even more significant in arousing the aspiration for national development in general and of the province in particular, promoting the will and strength of national unity combined with the strength of the times, comprehensively and synchronously promote the renovation, build and firmly protect the Fatherland, maintain a peaceful and stable environment, especially in the current context. Plan No. 164-KH/TU dated January 9, 2014 of the Party Committee of Dong Nai province (course IX) on the implementation of Resolution No. 25-NQ/TW dated June 3, 2013 of the Party Central Committee (course XI) on "Strengthening and renewing the Party's leadership in civil campaign work in the new situation". Report No. 663-BC/TU, dated 24/8/2020 of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Committee on the results of 05 years of implementation of Conclusion No. 114-KL/TU on the implementation of the Project on Strengthening the Party's leadership in the civil campaign work of state agencies in Dong Nai province in the new situation,... At the same time, propose solutions to promote the roles and responsibilities of both the political system and heads of localities and units in civil transport work. Improve the efficiency of civil campaign work of state agencies and authorities at all levels. Continue to improve the quality and efficiency of the formulation and implementation of democratic regulations at grassroots. Renovate methods of contacting voters, receiving citizens and organizing meetings of People's Councils at all levels. Renovate the contents and modes of operation of the Fatherland Front Committee and socio-political organizations; improve the quality of the People's emulation movement and patriotic emulation movements. Armed forces units in the province effectively perform civil transport tasks associated with national defense and security tasks; new rural construction; consolidate and strengthen the solidarity of the people, build the relationship of blood and flesh with the people; implement ethnic, religious and social policies.
2. Literature Review
The book Theory and Experience of the Communist Party of Vietnam on Civil Campaign Work (Communist Party of Vietnam, 2014). With more than 30 articles by leaders of the Party, State, ministries, departments, branches and scientists, the content of the book has given insightful and comprehensive analysis, highlighting the theoretical basis, practice and experiences of CTDV in recent years. The articles emphasize promoting the strength of the entire nation in the construction and defense of the Fatherland. In particular, many articles mentioned the work of civil advocacy of the government and said that this work is a practical activity covering all aspects of life, all guidelines and policies of the government must come from the needs of the people, reflecting the Party's "people-based" ideology. Or Nguyen The Trung's book Some issues on civil campaign work in the current period (Nguyen The Trung, 2015) shows both theoretical and practical value, bringing resolutions on civil mobilization into life and mentioning the civil campaign work of governments at all levels, especially, the apparatus of state administrative agencies doing civil campaign work should coordinate with the Fatherland Front and mass organizations to mobilize the people to perform economic, social, security and defense tasks.
In the article Ho Chi Minh's "People's Yun" - "Handbook for civil transport work" in the new era, author Tran Quang Hai emphasizes seriously receiving people's criticisms and suggestions on management, administration, attitude and working style of cadres, civil servants of local government agencies. Accelerate the process of industrialization and modernization. Discussing this issue, in the book Ho Chi Minh's Thought on civil campaign work in the current renovation period in our country , Tran Dinh Huynh and his colleagues said that regularly listening to and promptly addressing the opinions of the Front and mass organizations reflected, propose to the authorities issues of people's concern, promote the role of heads of all levels in dialogue with the people, listen to and promptly settle legitimate petitions, concerns, thoughts and aspirations of the people.
Mass work is important for the Party grassroots organization, especially in the process of industrialization and modernization. Interested in this issue, author Phung Huu with the book Doing good mass work in the new situation , the author mentioned the content of civil campaign work among the people, and proposed measures to help improve the efficiency of mass work. Discussing the content of civil campaign work, the author has clearly pointed out the role of civil campaign work in the relationship between the Party, State and People with the book Strengthening the relationship between the Party, State and people according to Ho Chi Minh ideology , The author said that in the face of complicated developments of the international and domestic situation, new tasks are set for our Party and State. In order to continue carrying out the revolutionary cause in the new situation, the Communist Party of Vietnam must continue to imbibe the theoretical foundation of Marxism-Leninism and Ho Chi Minh thought, further strengthen the relationship between the Party, State and people; closely associated with the people, taking the people as the root. Besides, the author has analyzed the relationship between people and water in history; point out the basic contents of Marxism-Leninism and Ho Chi Minh's thought on the relationship between the Party, the State and the people. On that basis, the book outlines some lessons and proposes solutions to strengthen the relationship between the Party, the State and the people in the new period.
In a certain view, Ngoc Loi Pham in researching Ho Chi Minh's Ideas on community development through the literary work Mass Mobilization, published in the International Journal of Philosophy , said that residential development in the community is a collection of many activities to mobilize people to implement the guidelines, Party policies and State laws, namely government programs such as employment and vocational training; Sustainable poverty reduction; Rural water and sanitation; Health; Population and Family Planning; Food hygiene and safety; Culture; Education and training; Drug prevention and control; Crime prevention and fighting; Economical and efficient use of energy; Responding to climate change; New rural construction; HIV/AIDS prevention and control; Provide information on mountainous, remote, border and island facilities; Overcoming and improving environmental pollution in order to improve living standards and change the political, economic, cultural, social and environmental values of communities for the better.
Regarding the content of the People's Campaign of the Party organization, author Ngoc Loi Pham with the article Ho Chi Minh Thought on mass mobilization and the application of this view by the Communist Party of Vietnam in the current situation published in the American International Journal of Social Science Research, the author pointed out the application of Ho Chi Minh's ideas to civil campaign work in the period now. Just over half a century ago, in a famous article published in the newspaper "Truth", President Ho Chi Minh raised the basic idea of the civil campaign work of a revolutionary party. It serves as a platform for mass mobilization . His ideas have led our Party to carry out civil campaign work to achieve important achievements, contributing decisively to the victory of our revolution over the past 71 years. The author uses scientific research methods such as: analysis and synthesis, interpretation and induction, abstraction and generalization, logic and history, history and comparison to arrive at the general conclusions and judgments that the research aims at and clarify the contents of Ho Chi Minh Thought on People's Campaign - the application of the Communist Party of Vietnam Male in current conditions.
3. Current Situation of Mobilizing People to Perform Political Tasks of the Political System of Dong Nai Province
In recent years, the issue of thoroughly understanding and organizing the implementation of guidelines, guidelines, resolutions and directives of the Central Committee on civil transport work, during the term of issuing thematic resolutions, annually having programs and plans on civil transport work. On the basis of Resolution No. 25-NQ/TW dated 03/06/2013 on "Strengthening and renewing the Party's leadership in civil campaign work in the new situation", the Party Committee of Dong Nai province has led and directed the implementation of the Central Committee's resolutions, including continuing to implement Instruction No. 02-HD/TU dated 17/7/2015 of the Dong Nai Provincial Committee on content renewal, the mode of leadership of Party committees at all levels in civil transport work; The Provincial Standing Committee promulgates Circular No. 37-TT/TU dated 28/9/2015 on improving the efficiency of civil transport work of state agencies at all levels; The Party Personnel Committee of the Provincial People's Committee issued Document 1054-CV/BCS-UBND on 16/11/2015 on renovating, enhancing and improving the efficiency of civil advocacy work in Dong Nai province... The dissemination and thorough implementation of the above documents have promoted the role of organizations in the local political system, cadres, civil servants, public employees... in the conduct of civil transport work. In order to promote administrative reform to create a favourable, transparent and open environment for the activities of people and enterprises, the Provincial Committee directs the provincial People's Committee to promulgate and implement Decision No. 980-QD/TU dated May 22, 2015, stipulating responsibilities of Party grassroots committees, state administrative agencies and public non-business units in real leadership Democratic status at the grassroots.
The provincial committee clearly defines the responsibilities of party committees, agencies and organizations, state agencies, the Fatherland Front and socio-political organizations in carrying out civil transport work, defining methods for implementing a number of contents of civil transport work; clearly define responsibilities, tasks and relationships of People's Committees, departments, mass organizations and armed forces. At the same time, organize a conference of key officials to understand and implement resolutions and decisions of the Provincial Committee on civil transport work. Instruct the Party Committees, authorities, the Fatherland Front and socio-political organizations to formulate plans for insight, implementation in localities, units and grassroots, organize training and guide grassroots Party Committees, People's Campaign Committees of Provincial Party Committees, District Party Committees and People's Mobilization Blocks at grassroots level to advise on the formulation of resolutions, decide and plan of action on civil advocacy work of their respective levels.
Party committees issued 560 documents; 100% of People's Committees of districts, city committees and town committees shall coordinate with People's Committees of the same level in signing and effectively implementing programs and plans for coordination in the implementation of civil transport work; coordinate and innovate the grasp of the people's situation, enhance the capture of information from grassroots, sensitive, complex and pressing areas that people are concerned about, and "hot spots" existing at grassroots. Governments at all levels continue to improve the quality of their activities, focus on building and gradually perfecting and institutionalizing the Party's guidelines, lines, policies and laws of the State into programs and plans that increasingly meet the legitimate aspirations of the people.
On the basis of proper awareness, upholding responsibility, and actively innovating content, flexibly and creatively applying forms and methods of implementation, over the past years, the civil campaign work of the Fatherland Front and socio-political organizations in Dong Nai province has achieved important results. The overwhelming majority of people in the district have confidence in the leadership of the Party, in the path to socialism in our country, in the cause of reform initiated and led by the Party; all classes of people in the district also expressed high consensus, and at the same time voluntarily implemented well the guidelines, resolutions and action programs of the Party committees, Party organizations and local authorities, enthusiastically emulating productive labor, maintaining political security, social order and safety; revolutionary action movements among the People developed quite strongly.
In terms of economy, from 2014 until now, the average annual economic growth rate of the district has reached and exceeded the set target. The material and spiritual life of all classes of people in the district has been increasingly elevated. The movement "All provinces together to build new rural areas" has increasingly deepened and achieved important results; By 2023, the whole province will have 96 communes meeting the newly improved rural standards, and 21 communes meeting the new model rural standards. Dong Nai rural area has had a comprehensive change in all aspects such as: Socio-economic infrastructure developed synchronously, school system, facilities meeting national standards, health system meeting standards, ecological environment has improved.... Socio-cultural, health and educational work continue to develop. The movement "All people unite to build cultural life" has been effectively implemented by the whole political system; Health and education have also achieved many important results, so far the whole province has built 398 schools meeting national standards.
However, in addition to the achievements, there still exists the phenomenon of leaders of committees, affiliated party organizations, authorities, people's mass organizations and armed forces carrying out civil transport work. Some affiliated Party committees and organizations have not paid attention to leading, directing and implementing the resolutions of the Central Committee and the province on civil transport work. The government's civil campaign work has not been paid enough attention and is slow in implementing, understanding, developing programs and plans for the implementation of Party documents on civil transport work. The effectiveness of administrative reform is not high, departments have not had synchronization in coordinating to solve administrative procedures for people, the attitude of serving the people of some cadres, civil servants and employees is not conscientious, also significantly affecting the civil transport work... The civil campaign work of the Fatherland Front, socio-political organizations, and armed forces is not really clear, and the manifestations of administration in operation. The social monitoring and criticism functions of the Fatherland Front, socio-political organizations have just achieved initial results, many places are still confused, formal, ineffective implementation of emulation movements, campaigns of the Fatherland Front, socio-political organizations. The leadership work consolidates the organization of the apparatus and builds the contingent of key cadres of the People's Affairs Department, the Fatherland Front, socio-political organizations doing civil transport work. The organization of the apparatus of the People's Committee, the Fatherland Front, socio-political organizations is still cumbersome, cadres still "administrate the civil transport work", handle the work without the necessary flexibility and sensitivity, through many levels, so the efficiency is not high. The cadres of the People's Affairs Committee, the Fatherland Front, and socio-political organizations acting as consultants and the core for the civil campaign work of Party committees at all levels have not kept pace with the change in reality. Some cadres and civil servants with capacity, qualifications, knowledge and prestige do not want to participate in civil transport work, but prefer to work in government agencies or some other departments and branches that also affect the results of leading civil transport work. Grassroots civil mobilization workers still lack mobilization and persuasion skills, and mass mobilization methods are sometimes inappropriate. The remuneration regime for civil service staff at grassroots level has not attracted and retained good people.
4. Solutions
Firstly, the Party Committee of Dong Nai province needs to grasp the leadership and direct the authorities at all levels to promptly and effectively resolve a number of harsh grievances and legitimate petitions of the current people
In fact, the vast majority of people are concerned and pressing a lot about difficult life problems, lack of jobs, corruption, errors in land management, compensation for site clearance, traffic accidents, food safety, environmental pollution, administrative procedures, etc...
Currently, the current situation of complaints and denunciations is still increasing, the number of people directly complaining and denunciating is increasing, the nature of complaints and denunciations is very harsh and complicated, many cases of complaints and denunciations are backlogged and exceed the level above; the settlement was slow; Violations of the law are widespread. It is not difficult to see that the situation of complaints and denunciations is taking place urgently and sharply in many places, the most obvious manifestation is the sharp increase in the number of large groups, the attitude of complaints is unrestrained, the letter sent rampantly..., sometimes, some places become especially complicated, especially acute. Through monitoring, most complaints and denunciations arise from communes, wards and townships - comprehensive socio-economic management agencies at grassroots. Such grievances, complaints and denunciations require prompt, accurate and objective settlement on the basis of the provisions of law and the competent agency to settle from the beginning and from the root of this problem is the commune-level People's Committee, which has the role, Great responsibility of advising judicial - civil servants.
The prompt and lawful settlement of people's complaints and denunciations, timely restoration of people's legitimate rights and interests; At the same time, strictly and lawfully handling those who commit wrongdoings will strengthen people's trust in the Party and the State, making the relationship between the people and the Party and the State increasingly close and strong - That is the source of strength and the cause of the victory of the Vietnamese revolution.
Second, it is necessary to promulgate correct and timely guidelines, guidelines and resolutions to lead the State, the Fatherland Front and socio-political organizations
Promote the combined strength of the great national unity, resolutely maintain national independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity, ensure political security, social order and safety, proactively and actively integrate into the world, create a peaceful environment and favorable conditions for national development. This is the most prerequisite for rapid and sustainable economic development and also an advantage of our country. We will have conditions to focus more on hunger eradication, poverty reduction, diversification of resources and methods to implement sustainable poverty reduction. Encourage enrichment under the law, while limiting the gap between rich and poor, mainly through income regulation policies, developing a diversified, expanding and effective social welfare and social security system. Continue to improve the distribution mechanism in enterprises, wage policies, ensure equal benefits, create motivation to promote socio-economic development.
Third, strengthen leadership, direction, inspection and supervision of the implementation of Party resolutions and policies of governments at all levels
In order to create a revolutionary, thorough change in awareness, strong innovation in thinking, thoroughness in all policies, plannings, plans, projects and action programs, the organization implements drastically at all levels and branches with the consensus participation of the whole political system, of the business community and every citizen in the country.
Promote the exemplary pioneering role of Party committees, Party organizations and each cadre and member in mass mobilization. Closely carry out grassroots, geographical areas, proximity to people, directly exchange and dialogue with people; build blood relations between the Party and the people. Continue to summarize and replicate models, typically doing well in mass mobilization at the grassroots. Special attention must be paid to promoting theoretical research and practical summaries on mass mobilization work; Focus on forecasting research and reference to international experience in this important field.
Party committees and party organizations regularly inspect to ensure that Party members strictly comply with Regulation No. 08-QDi/TW, dated October 25, 10, 2018 of the Central Committee on the responsibility to set an example of cadres and Party members, first of all, members of the Politburo and members of the Secretariat, Members of the Central Committee of the following contents: political ideology, morality, lifestyle, manners; self-criticism, criticism; relations with the people; responsibility in work, sense of discipline and internal solidarity.
Fourth, Party ministries at all levels need to strengthen education and training of cadres and Party members, especially those with positions and rights at all levels and branches
Live exemplary and responsible for their duties and duties; be responsible to the people, talk goes hand in hand with doing so that the people trust to follow. The cause of industrialization and modernization of the country requires high-quality human resources, of which cadres and Party members are the core. If they do not have enough credibility, it will be difficult to complete the assigned task. Our State is the socialist rule of law state of the people, by the people and for the people in need of talented and virtuous cadres and Party members. Those who assume positions and powers at all levels, all branches from the central to grassroots, represent the interests of the masses of the people without sufficient prestige and lose credibility before the people have great incalculable harm.
It is increasingly evident in many organizations and units. However, at present, many cadres, civil servants, officials and Party members are not aware of their responsibilities as servants of the people, have not respected the people, and have not had the spirit of serving the people; bureaucratic ways of working; legal order and administrative discipline have not been strictly implemented; The attitude and behavior towards organizations, units and citizens are still incorrect, causing psychological frustration,...
Each cadre and Party member, especially the head and key leaders, needs to be aware of their positions, roles and responsibilities in order to constantly study and improve their political bravery, working capacity, cultivation, training moral qualities, pure lifestyle, etc standard; must be really dedicated, dedicated, dedicated to work, with assigned tasks in each field of work. At the same time, cadres and Party members, especially leaders and managers, must know how to set an example on all three relationships for themselves, towards people, for respecting and listening to the opinions of the collective, being close and cordial to subordinates and people.... In this way, it is possible to grasp the thoughts and aspirations of subordinates and people in order to promptly remove difficulties and obstacles and propose appropriate measures, methods of leadership and direction to strengthen the people's trust in the Party and the government.
Fifth, Party leaders and authorities at all levels continue to institutionalize the motto "The Party leads, the State manages, the people owns and the mechanism "People know, people table, people do, people check, people benefit" into timely and popular policies, regulations, regulations and laws so that the people can be mastered, to promote mastery in practice. Continuing to build and perfect the Socialist Rule of Law State of Vietnam to meet the requirements of the cause of renovation and international integration is a decisive factor for the victory of the cause of national construction and defense in the current period. It is necessary to focus on building and perfecting the State in the direction of ensuring that it is truly clean, strong, truly of the people, by the people, for the people; must take care of and serve the people, ensure the people's legitimate rights and interests; at the same time, there are mechanisms for people to best fulfill their responsibilities and obligations towards the State and society. There should be an appropriate mechanism between the principle that state power belongs to the people and the principle of unified state power with assignment, coordination and control among agencies in the exercise of legislative, executive and judicial powers . Have appropriate mechanisms to ensure the expansion of democracy; At the same time, strengthen socialist legislation, ensure the strictness of the law, maintain discipline and discipline in all areas of social life. To strengthen and consolidate national defense and security, strengthen and expand foreign relations, maintain independence, sovereignty, unity, territorial integrity, political stability, social order and safety, and create a favorable international environment for national development.
5. Conclusions
Understanding that important role and task, the Party Ministries, the government, the Fatherland Front and socio-political organizations always pay attention and care to civil transport work. In recent years, the civil campaign work of the political system in Dong Nai province has obtained many remarkable results. The relationship between the Party and the people in the area has been strengthened and promptly and effectively resolved people's grievances, complaints and denunciations. In addition to the remarkable achievements, the civil campaign work of the political system in Dong Nai province in recent years also has many shortcomings and limitations that have not been overcome and solved in time. Some levels of government are not fully aware; Many cadres and Party members in the area show signs of deterioration in ideology, morality and lifestyle, do not really understand the people, are close to the people, go deep and go closely to understand the situation of the people. This led to the promulgation of mechanisms and policies on civil transport work, causing many difficulties and frustrations for people. On the other hand, the work of propaganda, people's mobilization and ideological education for Party cadres and members has not really gone into depth.
In order to maintain the achievements as well as overcome the above limitations and weaknesses, it is necessary that the civil campaign work of the political system in Dong Nai province has a renewal of content and leadership methods. It is the direction and solutions mentioned in the topic that will be the "guideline" for the civil campaign work in Dong Nai province to have the right and wisest direction to lead the civil campaign work of the political system in Dong Nai province to victory. With the characteristics of being the central city of the Southeast, in the coming years, the political system in Dong Nai province needs to pay more attention to civil transport work, meeting the criteria "People know, people table, people do, people check, people supervise, people beneficiaries" according to the Resolution of the XIII National Assembly. To do that, it is required that the political system in Dong Nai province must have wise leadership, continue to promote its role as a core force, pioneering in the implementation of civil transport work.
Author Contributions
Pham Ngoc Loi is the sole author. The author read and approved the final manuscript.
Conflicts of Interest
The authors declare no conflicts of interest.
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  • APA Style

    Loi, P. N. (2024). Improve the Quality of People's Mobilization to Perform the Political Tasks of the Current Political System of Dong Nai Province. Advances, 5(1), 21-27.

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    ACS Style

    Loi, P. N. Improve the Quality of People's Mobilization to Perform the Political Tasks of the Current Political System of Dong Nai Province. Advances. 2024, 5(1), 21-27. doi: 10.11648/j.advances.20240501.14

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    AMA Style

    Loi PN. Improve the Quality of People's Mobilization to Perform the Political Tasks of the Current Political System of Dong Nai Province. Advances. 2024;5(1):21-27. doi: 10.11648/j.advances.20240501.14

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  • @article{10.11648/j.advances.20240501.14,
      author = {Pham Ngoc Loi},
      title = {Improve the Quality of People's Mobilization to Perform the Political Tasks of the Current Political System of Dong Nai Province},
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      abstract = {During the leadership process, with the view that the revolutionary cause is the cause of the masses, the Party has always determined that civil campaign work is a task of strategic significance for the entire revolutionary cause, an important condition to ensure the leadership of the Party and strengthen the close relationship between the Party and the people. One of the important lessons, contributing to great achievements throughout history is the lesson "Taking the people as the root", promoting the role of ownership, creativity and resources of the people in the cause of building and defending the country. This is the cross-cutting ideology that contributes to the revolutionary cause of the Party, overcoming all difficulties and achieving many victories. The civil campaign work of the political system of Dong Nai province in each revolutionary period has different contents and methods, but they all aim at the important goal of strengthening the close relationship between the Party and the People, firmly strengthening the people's trust in the Party; mobilize and attract a wide range of people, arouse the spirit of patriotism, promote the strength of the great national unity bloc for the national development process. In addition to the achieved results, the civil campaign work also has limitations and inadequacies: In some places, the awareness and responsibility for the civil campaign work of the political system is not very deep; not fully aware of the important role and great strength of the People, the great national unity bloc and the idea of "Taking the people as the root" in the view that "Revolution is the cause of the masses"; the institutionalization and concretization of a number of Party guidelines and resolutions related to civil campaign work have not been timely. The grasping, assessing and forecasting of the situation, especially the People's situation before events and situations arising in complex fields and areas, sometimes and in some places, have not met the requirements. Therefore, in this article, the author focuses on researching solutions towards improving the quality of mobilizing people to perform the political tasks of the current political system of Dong Nai province.},
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    SN  - 2994-7200
    UR  -
    AB  - During the leadership process, with the view that the revolutionary cause is the cause of the masses, the Party has always determined that civil campaign work is a task of strategic significance for the entire revolutionary cause, an important condition to ensure the leadership of the Party and strengthen the close relationship between the Party and the people. One of the important lessons, contributing to great achievements throughout history is the lesson "Taking the people as the root", promoting the role of ownership, creativity and resources of the people in the cause of building and defending the country. This is the cross-cutting ideology that contributes to the revolutionary cause of the Party, overcoming all difficulties and achieving many victories. The civil campaign work of the political system of Dong Nai province in each revolutionary period has different contents and methods, but they all aim at the important goal of strengthening the close relationship between the Party and the People, firmly strengthening the people's trust in the Party; mobilize and attract a wide range of people, arouse the spirit of patriotism, promote the strength of the great national unity bloc for the national development process. In addition to the achieved results, the civil campaign work also has limitations and inadequacies: In some places, the awareness and responsibility for the civil campaign work of the political system is not very deep; not fully aware of the important role and great strength of the People, the great national unity bloc and the idea of "Taking the people as the root" in the view that "Revolution is the cause of the masses"; the institutionalization and concretization of a number of Party guidelines and resolutions related to civil campaign work have not been timely. The grasping, assessing and forecasting of the situation, especially the People's situation before events and situations arising in complex fields and areas, sometimes and in some places, have not met the requirements. Therefore, in this article, the author focuses on researching solutions towards improving the quality of mobilizing people to perform the political tasks of the current political system of Dong Nai province.
    VL  - 5
    IS  - 1
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Author Information
  • Ho Chi Minh City Cadre Academy, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam